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5 Ergebnisse.

Gelati vegani. Oltre 90 deliziose ricette per vegani o in...

Rogers, Jeff
Gelati vegani. Oltre 90 deliziose ricette per vegani o intolleranti
Che si sia vegan, o intollerante al lattosio, o si stia seguendo una dieta senza latticini, non si dovrà più rinunciare a uno dei nostri dolci preferiti. Gelati vegani offre alternative a gelati che utilizzano prodotti banditi dal veganesimo o che possono facilmente creare intolleranze come latte, panna, o zucchero bianco raffinato. Le ricette riportate in questo libro, infatti, utilizzano invece latte di noci, frutta fresca e dolcificanti nat...

CHF 22.00

Man-Made Monsters

Rogers, Andrea / Edwards, Jeff
Man-Made Monsters
Tsalagi should never have to live on human blood, but sometimes things just happen to sixteen-year-old girls. Making her YA debut, Cherokee writer Andrea L. Rogers takes her place as one of the most striking voices of the horror renaissance that has swept the last decade. Horror fans will get their thrills in this collection ¿ from werewolves to vampires to zombies ¿ all the time-worn horror baddies are there. But so are predators of a dis...

CHF 26.50

Create a Thriving Family Legacy

Rogers, Jeff
Create a Thriving Family Legacy
AN INTENTIONAL PLAN FOR A LASTING LEGACY You will Leave A Legacy for the next generation. We all will. Will your legacy include the values, virtues, guiding principles, and culture that you've worked hard to instill in your family or business? In Create a Thriving Family Legacy: How to Share Your Wisdom and Wealth with Your Children and Grandchildren, Jeff Rogers details how you can take a different approach to estate planning. Instead of m...

CHF 34.90

Office Sportz

Rogers, Jeff
Office Sportz
This book is designed to bring one thing and one thing only to your workplace or organization: FUN. These exercises and games are guaranteed* to result in laughs, laughs, and more laughs. However, a fantastic thing can happen when a team works together on something enjoyable and, yes, even goofy: actual change can occur. By that, we mean that these games can be used to create an opportunity for real growth within your organization. No, none of...

CHF 21.50

Vice Cream

Rogers, Jeff
Vice Cream
- More than 70 recipes for pure vegan ice creams, including preparation and ingredient tips.- Includes a whole section devoted to raw vice creams.- The Vegetarian Resource Group estimates that 2, 900, 000 Americans (or 1 percent of the population) are vegans.- According to the National Institutes of Health, 30 to 50 million Americans are lactose intolerant.

CHF 16.90